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Though this is not an exhaustive list and many smaller/less-known celebrations may exist, below are some of the major holidays observed by the various cultures of Sha'uru:

Day of Silence (Slagte Nisse)—January 6

The Slagte Nisse Day of Silence is on January 6th. This holiday has been practiced by them for millennia. On this day all Slagte Nisse go about their daily tasks without communicating verbally or through the written word. All communication is limited to slight changes of expression and subtle body language. Only in the case of extreme emergencies do they resort to creating noise (typically by the ringing of bells or clanging of metal objects) or perhaps uttering a single word. The Slagte do not share with outsiders the meaning of this holiday, and even other Nisse are not privy as to the purpose of the eerie silence that pervades the Slagte Nisse communities on this winter’s day.

Forging Day (Church of Hep'a'nen)—January 12

This is a minor religious holiday endorsed by the Temple of the Golden One, recognizing the day where Hep'a'nen forged His flaming sword to combat the forces of darkness created by his eternal enemy, Rum'at Abi. Though it is not popularly celebrated by the world at large—even amongst the devout—many Durish households will recognize the holiday by philanthropizing artists and celebrating hard work and craftsmanship.

Durren's Day (Vrachos Dur)—March 1

The original Durren New Year according to the ancient Durren calendar system. Though the Dur of modern times have used the calendar utilized by all other species for hundreds of years and thus recognize January 1 as New Year's Day, the Vrachos Dur still celebrate this day as a recognition of their heritage.

Festival of Ash (Afsla Nisse)—June 3

This holiday is a memorial day for all the Afsla Nisse felled in the Orc Wars. Traditionally, Afsla Nisse take the day to visit museums, memorials, and other locals dedicated to the Wars and the loss of Nisse lives. When night falls, blue candles are lit in all the windows of their homes and left burning until midnight.

Republic Day (Human)—July 13

Humans celebrate Republic Day on July 13th. On this day in 1802, Viola-Rose Harewood Silverthorn declared the Silverthorn Empire dissolved and signed the constitution of the Confederacy of Allied Republics into effect. This day is marked by neighborhood festivals and firework displays.

All Tides Day (Vand Nisse)—Second Weekend in July

This holiday began as a celebration of the bounty of the sea and considered a day of rest for all Vand Nisse. Unless already out to deep sea, ships come to harbor and all crews are given shore leave to partake in the various seafood festivals, dancing, drinking, and traditional shanty performances hosted in the port cities. The celebrations last from sunrise to sunrise, with many of the devout ending the holiday with a toast to the blessings of Hep'a'nen at the second dawn. While commercial sailing is traditionally proscribed during All Tides Day, in modern times many Vand Nisse will host grand parties on the largest ships in the harbor so as to be closer to the sea (or closer to their bunks when the libations and festivities end).

Matt Starling Day (Wayfaring Seekers)—August 17

The birth date of Matt Starling, the founder of the Wayfaring Seekers, is celebrated by the inheritors of his legacy in a variety of unique ways (as is fitting for such a varied people as the Wayfarers), though it generally involves a gathering of clans where food, music, and information about the Artifact is freely shared.

Ancestral Remembrance Day (Dur)—November 23

This is a tradition begun with the Vuono Dur, but is also practiced by the Vrachos and Ouranus as well. On this day the family gathers together for a meal, leaving an empty place for an honored ancestor with a plate of their favorite meal and a flagon of their favorite drink.. If a great member of a house passed that same year, typically this is who is honored. Each Dwarf in attendance recounts why they were thankful to have that person in their life or be a member of that Ancestor’s lineage. For noble households that can afford it, the main dish that is served at these celebration is roasted wild boar.

Feast of the Solstice (Universal)—December 21

Though scholars disagree on if this was a Dwarven or an Elven Tradition first, the Feast of the Solstice is a holiday that is now celebrated worldwide by all races (even Goblins). The nature of the festivities may differ due to culture, but the general theme of the Feast is the same. On the longest night of the year, a feast is held to celebrate another year passing. Friends and family gather to exchange gifts and share food and drink. When the clock strikes ten, most gatherings include a round of storytelling that lasts late into the evening. The nature and tone of these stories also varies culturally. Imperials and Vuono Dur tend to tell more austere recountings of past events, while Ouranus Dur and Goblins lean towards the most raucous and raunchy tales they can conceive.

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