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In 1517, Sha'uru saw the final Orc War. The Nisse, Dur and Humans banded together to cull all monstrous races from the face of Sha’uru. The campaign lasted 50 years and spanned the globe, and would probably have dragged on longer, had not Emperor Maximus-Rohan Silverthorn III come up with a brilliant plan: a concentrated strike at the largest Goblin stronghold in the world to remove the enemy’s main source of support, the Goblin alchemists. The Battle of the Crimson Ravine lasted a full week and ended with the Goblins' surrender. The Nisse and Dur wanted to eradicate the Goblins there, but the Humans agreed to take the Goblins in as slaves, sparing them in return for their Alchemical lore and servitude. The Orcs and Ogres did not fare as well, and by the year’s end most of them had dwindled down to small tribes in the wilderness. The Goblins remained in loyal servitude for 100 years before activists in the Silverthorn empire began to rally for the abolishment of the Goblin enslavement. Maximus-Rohan’s grandson, Emperor Maximus-Alexander Silverthorn, wanted to heed his people’s wishes, but he knew that setting the Goblins free would make them fair game for extinction like the Orcs and Ogres before them. Through the work of his diplomats they were able to convince the Dur and the Nisse to sign the Accord of the Crimson Ravine.

This compact, signed at the site of the battle which signaled the beginning of Goblin enslavement, provided three major articles. The first article recognized Goblins as a free and sovereign people, able to govern themselves so long as they were willing to peacefully co-exist with the other races. The second article demarcated which lands would be given to the Goblins for settlement, as well as defining the clear borders of the lands of Dur, Nisse and Humans. The final article was the agreement of peace, reached by all of the races that signed the Accord. It stated that in neutral territory, which was all lands outside of the those listed in the second article, all of the races agreed to stand by a truce. They all agreed that they would leave each other unmolested and respect the basic rights of all equally. The third article also stated that within the lands of each race, the others were subject to the laws of that race and no other. This satisfied the Nisse and Dur, as they could simply make laws within their own lands to deal with Goblins as harshly as they desired, while still affording Goblins protection outside of those lands and within their own.


In modern times, the Accord of the Crimson Ravine has two important implications. First, it protects Halflings, Kobolds and Gnomes within Neutral territories, as they are part Goblin. Secondly, since the lands of Antioch had not yet been discovered, the entire continent is considered Neutral territory for races protected under the Accord.

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